September 11, 2024


Specialists in home interior

Our Home Miiiight Get Surgery Instead of a Makeover

Our Home Miiiight Get Surgery Instead of a MakeoverPhoto & Design: Boxwood Avenue

Following up on my post about our home renovation plans (or lack-thereof, is more like it), I wanted to share more details on how the new designs might affect our home’s exterior. More specifically: the front façade.

To be honest, sharing the current exterior of our home pains me quite a bit. Other than having our 130 year old brick repainted last year, it’s been sorely neglected as we’ve always had plans to address it and didn’t want to sink much into it until we could do it right


[break]I’ve been able to envision the potential since we bought this place six years ago. But landing on the plan to relocate our front door (read more on that here if you missed it) has not only made a world of difference on the interior, but on the exterior as well. And my wheels have been spinning ever since. Here is the unedited version of what our home looks like as it stands right now: Exterior_Before r1

And here is a poorly photoshopped rendering that I pulled together the other night just to get some of my visuals down on “paper”. This is my ultimate goal for this particular home. Of course we will do proper landscaping in that dirt patch (loving all of this as landscaping inspo!) but here we go:  

home exterior - after

Funnily enough, our exterior has been a bit of an embarrassment for us for some time – a classic case of the shoe cobbler’s children. Feeling fed up with our lacklustre curb appeal, last summer we were *this close* to going full steam ahead on some major front landscaping upgrades when our contractor backed out at the last second for personal reasons. We were pretty bummed out about it at the time, but I realize now that the universe works in mysterious ways. If we had gone with our original plans and invested in our front landscaping (including a new walkway) we would have had to keep the location of our existing front door and never could have ended up here. Proof once again that things happen for us, not to us. A lesson I’ve learned time and time again. Happy accidents for the win! home exterior before after r2

