May 3, 2024


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Are Golden doodles High Maintenance?

Are Goldendoodles High Maintenance? - Platinum Goldendoodles

One of the fastest-growing canine categories, Goldendoodles, is gaining in popularity throughout the globe. They are a hybrid of the Poodle and the Golden Retriever, two of the most popular dog breeds. Goldendoodles are well-liked due to their cuteness and amiability, but are they also simple to care for?

Doodles You Shouldn’t Model Yourself After Poodles

Despite first impressions, the Poodle is surprisingly sturdy. The Poodle, with his distinctive curly coat & sometimes somewhat expensive haircut, may seem more at home in a fashion show than romping in puddles. Don’t be fooled by their outward appearance, however. It was for retrieval that the Standard Poodle was first developed. In reality, swimming was the initial purpose of the sports clip style of coat trimming.

Because of their curly hair, dirt and debris stick to a Poodle’s nose and feet. Hence it’s standard practice to shave these areas on a pet Poodle. In reality, Standard Poodles are clever, energetic, and sporty. In addition, the Standard Poodle demonstrates the kind of respectful behaviour necessary for success in retrieving. Despite appearances, this dog responds well to training and can keep up with an energetic, athletic owner.

This way, the Poodle in your Standard Goldendoodle should pass on their intelligence, trainability, and energy. They will gladly go on expeditions with you, trek at your pace, etc.

They usually don’t mind getting dirty after a fun day at the dog park. Poodles, as well as doodles, are a generally healthy breed of dog. They are generally not particularly sensitive to temperature changes, finding comfort in warmer and cooler climates. Doodles are low-maintenance and straightforward to care for because of their innate resilience.

 Is A Goldendoodle Capable Of Being Left Alone?

Not all dogs fare well when left alone for long periods. But Goldendoodles are an exception to this rule. Crate training is simple for Goldendoodles, or you may leave them in the backyard to sleep all day while you’re at the office.

Personal Hygiene Concerns

Although golden doodle is deficient in maintenance, you must regularly groom them. Think about getting your haircut by an expert at least two times a year and maintain your appearance in the meantime. Daily brushing is ideal, although some Goldendoodles may get away with weekly grooming. The longer & curlier your Goldendoodle’s coat, the more regularly you should brush it.

If not cut, a Goldendoodle’s hair may reach eight inches in length. The hair all around the lips and eyes, as well as in between the paw pads, has to be trimmed regularly. Most Goldendoodles do well with a monthly bath. 

Doodles Are Active, Social Dogs Who Enjoy Playing Outside

In other words, doodles are typically quite brilliant, primarily if they are bred with another extremely smart dog breed, much like Border Collie (Bordoodle), Golden Retriever (Goldendoodle), etc., and this can be both an advantage in terms of ease of training and a disadvantage if you’re looking for a low-maintenance dog.

If a doodle does not go out much or connect with other people, it’s likely to become bored, restless, and disruptive at home. If you want your doodle to reach its full mental potential, you’ll need to be ready to put in the time and effort to train and exercise him.

It’s common knowledge that poodles, and by extension, doodles, are very people-focused. With strong intuition and the ability to read their owner’s emotions, these dogs make excellent service dogs or therapy dogs. Their general intelligence and emotional intuition have been compared to those of humans. Although the end product is the most loyal friend, this isn’t a minimal dog breed.

They will follow you everywhere you go, even into the bathroom, or wait for you there after you get out of the shower. Because they are so in tune with human feelings, they may be easily hurt by stern reprimands. Anxiety may develop in a doodle if they are treated harshly or not given enough one-on-one time with their owners. If you want a well-adjusted doodle, you need to be willing to put in the time with your pup, and you should not be shocked if they spend most of the day curled up at your feet or on your lap.


Doodles may not be the most low-maintenance breed, but their traits make them well-suited for the lowest-shedding greatest buddy you’ve ever had! When you invest in your doodle’s health and happiness by giving it plenty of love, attention, and exercise, your pet will reward you with devotion, comfort, and intelligence.